home 001, C-5 Wing, Ramanand bldg, Opp Ram Mandir, Near Ramdev Park Bus Stop, Ramdev Park, Mira Road East, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Alpha Omega Properties is a 5 year old company promoted by Mr. Karan Joshi, a qualified MBA, who is the chief architect of its growth and has steered the group to be a diverse and respected Broker & financial services organization. AOP is a dominant Broker with a marketing channel mix of direct Clients, Agents serving retail, HNI and corporate clients. When the company was founded in 2010, the focus was on only Broking for retail clients. Within these years we continuously grew our book to direct Clients, Agents serving retail, HNI and corporate clients which enables us today to service our customers in all fields of Property and Loans. AOP provides its customers with Sale execution and Bank management platform. As a market maker, it provides continuous offers and services quotations on over one hundreds of property solutions around Mira road and beyond. AOP has continuously grown relationships and personal services which are the basis of our understanding of service, fairness and cooperation as a partner from the beginning. From the beginning a special focus has been on the Property market where we gained particular expertise regarding their sensitive issues over decades. Hence we guarantee Peace of mind service for our clients, which is the key for long standing relationship with all our Clients.
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