Amsha Ventures

Amsha Ventures verified Developer Company



home #41, 3rd Cross, 10th Main Road, Indiranagar - 2nd Stage, Bengaluru - 560038, Karnataka, India.

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It all started about a decade ago when a family decided to venture into the real estate industry with the sole purpose of proving sustainable, comfortable, and functional residential and commercial properties. Our unwavering dedication to offering only the best to our customers explains why we have over 2 million sqft of land development over the course of 14 years. Currently, we have 1.5 million sq ft of land underway and 3 million sq ft on the drawing board. With consistent professionalism in every aspect of property dealing, we have managed to create a long-standing relationship with all our customers.

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6/6/2019 2:55:16 PM

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