Raj Groups

Raj Groups verified Developer Company

email sales@rajhousinggoa.com

language www.rajhousinggoa.com

home 417, Gera Imperium II, Patto Plaza, Panjim – 403001, Goa, India

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Raj Group is one of Goa’s leading edge real estate company. We offer the discerning home buyer a selection of villas and apartments at quiet locations. Our homes are available in a range of prices and sizes. They are aesthetically designed, with tranquil surroundings and an upscale ambience that complement sour clients lifestyle.

We have earned a hard-earned reputation for good construction and design values, superior specifications and prompt after sales service. Our strong sense of commitment to the customer is shared by our team of architects, Engineers and other professionals.

Over the Past 15 years, we have fostered a culture of continuous improvement of our product. Our construction experts regularly hold meetings for the benefit of our team. We take pains to learn from errors and shortcoming pointed out by customers and respond quickly with corrective measures. Construction guarantees, confirming to accepted codes of practice, are incorporated in the contracts signed with clients.

We use natural, handmade and traditional materials as much as possible. The masonry blocks are carved from laterite, a locally mined red stone, valued over the centuries for its durability and strength. Each development has villas, apartments set in garden around. Live the good life in Goa, the smarter choice for home-buyers and investors. Enjoys a higher quality of life in a home built by Raj Group Our Villas / Apartments sell while under construction as most customers sign on in the early stages to benefit from lower, off-plan prices. The later vary depending on the development, locations and specifications.


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