Search result for affordable housing in india

6 Ways to build Affordable Housing in India

Urban India today houses 377 million people making up 32% of the country’s population. This is expected to increase to 40% with close to 600 mn urban dwellers by 2030. Ushering in the much-needed change is imperative in bridging the gap between the housing deficit and ongoing supply of housing units across the country. ...
schedule 06-Jul-2018

6 Points To Take Advantage of an Estimated 6 Lakh Crores Affordable Housing Market in India

Rapid urbanisation is a reality for emerging markets and India is no exception to this phenomenon. Urban India today houses 377 million people making up 32% of the country’s population. This is expected to increase to 40% with close to 600 mn urban dwellers by 2030. Ushering in the much-needed change is imperative in bridging the...
schedule 04-Jun-2018

Can Affordable Housing in India Be Really a Game Changer?

It was a cold night. Rina was not ready, although her husband Ashoke was pestering her for some time. The dinner done, she wanted to go under the blanket as fast as possible. Ashoke was somewhat adamant. There was little opportunity for them to talk about it in the morning. They are working in the IT sec...
schedule 18-Jan-2018

Why Indian Real Estate Developers are focusing on AFFORDABLE HOUSING?

Developing affordable housing projects are eminent today for India's developers as there is so much of real requirement in this segment. Actually none of the private developers ever developed houses in this segment because of low margins & lack of subsidies etc.., Most importantly the end users now realised that under 50 lacs they are no...
schedule 19-Aug-2017
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